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Adam | التاريخ: الأربعاء, 2014 فبراير 19, 07:08 | رسالة # 344 |
مجموعة: الضيوف
| Hello! My name is Adam, CEO and Founder of http://www.fame-boost.com, a website that offers a new and radical way to promote your business online. We're contacting you because we noticed that your business isn't taking advantage of social media to reach its full potential on the web. If you were to look at the most successful and prominent leaders in your industry, without a doubt you'd find that they've taken advantage of what social media has to offer. They utilize social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. Your business can also take advantage of these platforms! You don't have to be the little guy! But simply signing up for one of these accounts and updating here and there isn't enough -- unfortunately the phrase, "build it and they will come" doesn't apply to the online world. You also must apply what we in the industry like to call "social media supplementation." Social Media Supplementation involves supplementing your social media account with tons of high quality followers, likes, and views that will by nature of the online world promote your business and attract loads of new customers. Your business will be ranked higher in search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, and it's a way to give your customers the confidence that you are a respected and a established business. Our likes, followers, and views come from real people, just like me and you, who are potential customers is the future! And now with our Valentine's Day sale, we would like to exclusively offer you a 40% mega discount on the supplementation of all your social media accounts! We use PayPal, so you're method of payment is completely private and safe -- only PayPal will see it. Have any questions? Want to learn more? Visit us at http://www.fame-boost.com, or see our Frequently Asked Questions page http://fame-boost.com/faq for more details. Thousands of businesses are taking part in this newly-coined "Internet Gold Rush." Don't miss out! All the best, Adam Farkas CEO & Founder http://www.fame-boost.com sales@fame-boost.com (877) 410-4002
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edkdiads | التاريخ: الأربعاء, 2014 فبراير 19, 12:05 | رسالة # 345 |
مجموعة: الضيوف
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